Dan Gordon formerly served the District of Columbia Public Schools as a senior advisor for school design; as deputy chief academic officer for college and career readiness, early childhood education, language acquisition, and out-of-school time programs; and as chief of staff to the chief academic officer. Previously, he was a lead English teacher at Columbia...
Dan Gordon formerly served the District of Columbia Public Schools as a senior advisor for school design; as deputy chief academic officer for college and career readiness, early childhood education, language acquisition, and out-of-school time programs; and as chief of staff to the chief academic officer. Previously, he was a lead English teacher at Columbia Heights Education Campus in Washington, D.C. He started his career as a trial attorney at the U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division's Educational Opportunities Section, where he enforced federal education antidiscrimination statutes across the nation. Dan holds degrees from American University (MAT) and Harvard University (BA and JD) and is an alumnus of both AmeriCorps and the Broad Residency in Urban Education.
Heights Education Campus in Washington, D.C. He started his career as a trial attorney at the U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division's Educational Opportunities Section, where he enforced federal education antidiscrimination statutes across the nation. Dan holds degrees from American University (MAT) and Harvard University (BA and JD) and is an alumnus of both AmeriCorps and the Broad Residency in Urban Education.
Dan Gordon formerly served the District of Columbia Public Schools as a senior advisor for school design; as deputy chief academic officer for college and career readiness, early childhood education, language acquisition, and out-of-school time programs; and as chief of staff to the chief academic officer. Previously, he was a lead English teacher at Columbia... Heights Education Campus in Washington, D.C. He started his career as a trial attorney at the U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division's Educational Opportunities Section, where he enforced federal education antidiscrimination statutes across the nation. Dan holds degrees from American University (MAT) and Harvard University (BA and JD) and is an alumnus of both AmeriCorps and the Broad Residency in Urban Education.